
It was a very cool 16C this morning; the kind of weather to break out a cozy sweater, have a cup of hot chocolate and lose yourself in a good book!  Then this afternoon is poured rain, the sky was very dark, and there was a tornado warning for most of the afternoon.  We heard that there was a tornado in south Ottawa, with some damage, and the forecast calls for more rain upcoming.  It was so cool and lazy that I fell asleep for about half an hour this afternoon, and I had a dog firmly attached to my lap for quite a while.  I was on the phone, and he jumped on my lap, refused to budge, and sat with his back to me.  He dozed off when I did, but still refused to get off my lap.  He finally traded my lap for Don’s and he’s just watching me from the sofa.  Don was shopping during Amazon Prime day; I only found out when I saw the email saying “Your Amazon order is being prepared.”  He then realized that if he has to surprise me, he can’t use the (joint) Amazon account!

My support worker and I did cook last night; a baked spaghetti and cheese, and some minced chicken.  I’m calling it a “deconstructed lasagne” 😉 and joining the trend of “deconstructed” dishes.  (Although, frankly, a deconstructed apple pie is just stewed apple and an oatmeal cookie!)  I showed her how I like to do the filling for things like lasagne or cottage pie, and she did a decent job of it.  Happily, I have enough for a couple days and I had some for lunch today.  I will try cooking again next week, and get back into the swing of having homemade meals.  I’ve got my appointment in the morning with the pain specialist.  I confess that the last time we spoke I was in a lot of pain from my arm, I was dealing with side effects from chemo and was generally miserable.  That’s not the case now, thankfully, and my scan is a week and a half away so I’m not yet freaking out about it.  Should be better, then.

I got 2 videos today of my little niece.  Apparently, she wanted to talk with Auntie Sonja because she misses me.  Then the second was of her trying to crochet “a dress for mummy”  She was using the crochet hook I’d bought her, and trying to copy my actions.  So I sent back a video congratulating her on her efforts.  That led to a call later, where she’s very excited at the idea of being able to crochet, and she wants to know when I’m “coming to her house” so she has me to play with.  She and her brother are both home with an attack of pink eye, so no daycare for a few days.  Somehow in all of this, she’s decided that I’m making her a pink dress, and I have to make a blanket (probably also pink) for her favourite ballerina teddy.  Seems that I’ve got a full time job 😆 

It’s still wet, and while the thermometer shows a moderate temperature, it’s still quite humid.  I noticed that today, as I found I was likely to start to sweat and it was challenging to breathe, although the temperature was comfortable.  Being outside was conflicted; very humid, but not hot.  At this point, I’m off to find my supper so I won’t go to bed hungry.  Jerry hasn’t left Don yet, so I’m still reasonably safe from puppy attacks!  Good night!


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