
Woo… summer.  We wait all year for it, and then spend most of it moaning about the heat.  There’s a happy midpoint, where it’s not the temperature of hell’s fireplace nor that of the dark side of Mercury.  I really appreciate now the warnings about people with chronic illnesses and heat exposure, although I really wish that I didn’t have to be so cautious!  I mean, born and raised in the tropics, Brer Fox, so heat should be my natural environment, right?  Sadly, nope.  Jerry spent most of the day looking after me and stretched out on my lap.  He rarely moved over to Don, just staring at him from my chair, and following me to the kitchen or bathroom.  Don was feeling fairly energetic today, and was up to some mischief… I’m happier when he does, because it means that he’s feeling better.  I don’t like it when he’s feeling limp from the weather or is struggling with his breath.  Apparently this week is a break from the endless round of sports games and instead there’s some sort of contest where the players show off?  It’s as boring as the games, with much less point, if that’s at all possible!

So I was really dumb this weekend.  I have one medication that I can only renew on the specific date it’s due, not earlier, and it happens that I run out on that day.  So for the last few months I’ve called the pharmacy to plead with them to deliver it a day or so early so I don’t have a gap in my schedule.  The pharmacist would lecture me about asking for renewal early, and it was something of a hassle to get it done.  It was due for renewal on Sunday, when the pharmacy doesn’t deliver.  I hoped to have it delivered by Friday, but they didn’t… so I renewed on Sunday and it was delivered yesterday.  The problem, however, was that my body objected to the gap in my meds, and I had a miserable day.  When I did get the meds and started back, there was a bit more unpleasantness.  I went to lie down around 5pm, tossed and turned for a while, dropped into an uneasy sleep (woken up by a little dog who was lying on me, petting my tummy) and finally got up around 10pm to eat something.  Then I went back to bed and slept like I’d been deprived for a week.  I’m feeling more like myself today, and my tummy has settled.  Yesterday, I tried eating one of my preferred foods, and my stomach took a severe objection to it.  I think I’ll have to avoid it for a while; but the smell alone yesterday had me gagging.  I hope that’s not permanent, as my stomach already grumbles about pepper / spice, and now this?  That’s going to leave me eating a BRAT diet, which does not appeal!

I’m honestly wondering about TikTok trends… I admit that I’m not often on that app, and I don’t spend a lot of time browsing, so when I become aware of the trends and challenges it’s after there have been deaths and it’s made the news.  The latest — in a seeming string of idiocy — is for people to jump from a speeding boat into the water.  This follows nonsense like the Tide pod challenge, cooking chicken in NyQuil, snorting cinnamon powder, assorted asinine “health” claims, various “detox” programs and innumerable weight loss schemes.  I’m disappointed in humanity, first, that people come up with these ridiculous concepts and even more that there are morons who try to emulate them.  I know that I’m a curmudgeon on the edge of being elderly, but I really wonder why the level of stupidity is so high?  The parents of the children — usually teenagers— who are affected, must be absolutely devastated to lose their offspring to a social media prank.  I feel badly for them, as they have to deal with the loss and will probably be the subject of a lot of whispering and gossip for improperly supervising their teen.  Somewhat unfair, but probably unsurprising.  Or those who wind up with lifelong injuries as a result of their nonsense; their poor parents will suffer dreadfully.  Is there any way to persuade people to use their intelligence to not undertake asinine dares and challenges?  

It’s pouring down heavily punctuated by brilliant flares of lightning and some powerful rumbles of thunder.  According to the forecast, this won’t last very long, but it’s welcome and cooling after today.  I’m going to sit on the balcony and enjoy the rain and the cooler breezes before it’s time for my meds.  Good night!


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