Hump day

It’s going to be a week of very cold overnights (below -10) with milder days where the snow and ice might melt slightly. It’s still mostly overcast which just makes things gloomy as opposed to encouraging. Ah, well, January is effectively at the end, and as they keep saying “February is a short month” (like that day makes a big difference) and in a couple of days the rodent will predict whether we have 6 more weeks of winter or a month and a half until spring. There is NO NEED to email me that it’s the same thing. I know. Everyone knows. It’s just one of the jokes we make to get through the cold. Jerry is happy that his support worker is back today, although he sulked that she dared to show up carrying an extra bag and has been looking after me. He got a new buzz collar, as the button on the old one no longer works — he tore open the package, sniffed at the collar and went to work shredding the box. He’s wearing it now, w...