
The winter people are having a happy, if frozen, week, as they wait for the canal to open for ice skating.  There’s hope that it will be opened soon as we’ve had several days below -10 which they needed.  It’s also my niece’s birthday — I did a screen shot of the birthday shoutouts on CBC this morning, where she’s all dressed up and looking lovely!  Jerry is in disgrace for not coming when called and just barking endlessly at the top of his surprisingly powerful lungs!  He is now stretched out on the blanket trying to look inconspicuous 😆  Don was very annoyed with Jerry, but is doing ok otherwise.  He’s catching up on some of his recorded shows and I’m getting a running commentary on some of them.

I continue to be wrapped up in multiple layers… as it’s been so cold, I’m finding that I run out of breath easily.  I’m extremely annoyed by this, as I don’t like gasping like a beached fish, but so far I recover fairly quickly after I’ve been exposed to cold air.  I had my doctor’s visit today, and I’m trebly glad that it was changed over to a phone call!  My doctor called at 1pm, and we were off the phone less than 5 minutes later!  So instead of having a half-hour drive there and back, plus time in the waiting area for a short visit, I was home, warm, and done in a short time.  My doctor is also quite accommodating so if I need to make this sort of change, he’s open to it.  This is my “low” week — it’s been a week since my last infusion and therefore this week my immune system is at its lowest level.  My nurse has been telling me to stop trying to do too much and to sleep when my body is tired and to stop worrying because I can’t do all the things I want.  “Resistance is futile.”  My appetite is still reasonable; last night I had a ham and cheese omelette for dinner, and today I finished off some Chinese leftovers for lunch.  I’ll work out dinner shortly.

Many thanks to my friend P for doing a trip to Costco for me and dropping off my groceries with excellent timing — my support worker was just pulling on her coat when I got the call that the groceries had arrived, so she put everything away for me.  I also watched my niece open my gift; it’s a little toy beauty kit, including a hair styling station (blow dryer, rollers, curling iron, scissors, etc) and “makeup” — all made out of pink plastic.  She started playing with it, but it had to get cut short so she wouldn’t be late for her birthday party.  I also told her that her next party will be when she’s 10 (I had her parents’ permission) and I got an absolutely horrified look in response!  

This morning was one of those days when I really missed my mom.  It’s been 8 1/2 years since her passing, and on most days I am fine, but then there are the occasional ones where I will dream of her and then I miss her desperately.  I wanted to talk to her, hear her voice, and her laugh.  Instead, I looked at some photos of her which didn’t help as much as I thought.  Some days are diamonds, some days are stones…

Any ideas for dinner?  My fridge is not inspiring me much and I don’t feel like any of my frozen, prepared meals nor can I find any inspiration in the delivery apps.  I’ll figure out something, but right now, no ideas… Jerry has just moved onto my toes, and is giving some contented grunts; he’s happy there.  I’ll just enjoy that for a while as I contemplate what to eat.  Good night!


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