
The news describes it as “the calm before the storm” — we’re expecting a massive snowstorm overnight into tomorrow, as there are several widespread storms and winter events across the country today, with temperatures hitting -50C before the windchill — with the wind, it’s closer to -60C.  It’s been hazy, cold and windy today, and everyone seems a little edgy about the potential bad weather over the weekend.  Jerry doesn’t seem concerned and is currently stealing blankets from Don on the sofa and dozing with his toy in his mouth.  He spent as much time as he could climbing on my lap, trying to mooch my meals and chewing his toy (also on my lap) and barking at the wind and people walking in the hallway.  Don was feeling a little better today, and was up doing stuff mostly hidden on his computer, which usually presages the arrival of packages from Amazon!  He was watching some recorded sports for a bit, then I watched some PVR’d shows of a couple of old mysteries/detective shows, which are great mindless entertainment!  We’ve got several true crime shows pending, but we’ll leave them for the storm, I think.

I feel drained today after yesterday’s chemo.  I slept until almost 11, when hunger made me get up; plus I wanted to check the planned arrival time of my nurse to set up my hydration.  When I called the agency, it turns out that they’d forgotten to schedule me a nurse!  I was less than amused, I tell you!  Anyway, the coordinator arranged for someone to come at 3 — since my IV runs over 6-8 hours, that means a late night while I wait for it to finish.  No worries; I have no plans to leave the house tomorrow, so that’s fine.  I do sympathize with my nurse, who may have to cope with the storm and even tighter parking restrictions on the weekend.  I’m so happy that we’d arranged meals for me during chemo.  It’s so much easier to just microwave something than to have to think about what to cook!  Many thanks to A for the gift card, so I have another day of not needing to cook.  I do appreciate that!

I’m just seeing the forecast for next week.  It’s not warming above -10C daytime all week, and at night it’s averaging -20C… why is it that when I have hospital appointments that the temperatures and weather get crappy?  It’s not until later in the week, thankfully, and hopefully won’t be as bad as forecast… although I do have to call in about the double booking that I have the following week.  I’ve got 3 appointments, one at 9:30, then at 2:00 and 2:30.  Something’s gotta give, and I think that the early morning (which is an annual check with my haematologist) is the one that gets chopped.  I’m amused by one of my friends who has been trying for the last 20 years to persuade me that I should come out to shovel their driveway, especially when a big storm is forecast.  We’ve had this discussion repeatedly, and I just laugh outright, but like clockwork — or the TrevBot ™ — I get a call the day before to hear about how they’re hoping I’ll show up and shovel.  I pointed out that I’ve done my share, and as a result decided to buy a penthouse in a high rise, so in the best tradition, I pay someone else to remove the snow, and they should do the same, but the someone won’t be me!

Retail therapy is wonderful, isn’t it?  I’ve been happily browsing and window shopping for the last couple of days.  I’ve found all kinds of neat stuff, and I’ve loaded an online shopping cart with almost a thousand dollars worth of items (all first pass which means there’ll be removals)  I think I may have found a coat, with an extra discount, but I’m just waiting for the approval of my sister-friend (and wardrobe consultant) before hitting buy — it’s the first colourful coat I’ve ever seen, and it’s a triple-layer coat, so it should be warm.  If it’s approved, a photo will be forthcoming!

Hydration certainly gives my energy a boost.  I feel more alert than I did before I was hooked up, which is great.  I’m still hungry, which is lovely — I know I keep saying that, but it’s such an improvement over last year when I didn’t want to eat and was surviving off Ensure.  I’m liking being able to eat, and wanting to eat!  I’m going to see what I can find for snacking because I don’t want a full meal just now.  I think a hot cup of something is in order at least.  Oh, and just for information… gluten free shortbread cookies are a pass for me.  My nephew might enjoy them, but for me, they have that texture and aftertaste that don’t work for me.  However, homemade cookies are a joy and delight forever.  I know, I’m shameful.  Sorry!  Have a good weekend everyone, and Good night!


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