
I got this from my sister (who else?) and it just seemed like a really accurate view of how life can unfold sometimes 😆  Going along, doing your everyday stuff, and WHAM!!  Things change, and old age just slams in.  We’re expecting snow, and a lot of it, over the next couple days.  It’s just been greyish and snowy but the complaints about the lack of winter continue.  It’s not cold enough, for one thing, and the ice isn’t thick enough to support skaters and there’s not enough snow and… I’m thinking that I’d like to run off to the warm!!  I’ve got a dog on my feet right now.  He’s tried scratching at me to get up on my lap because I’ve been elevating my feet, and he doesn’t approve of this as it removes his nap spot!  Don continues to be in pain, although he’s moving around a bit more.  He was up pretty late last night watching hockey, but I had lowered the volume before I went in so it didn’t disturb me.  He’s dozing off now, but I’m sure he’ll be up to watch sports later.

I slept very well last night; I went in around 10 and was out before 11.  I usually play a couple of hours of classical music as I drift off, and I might wake up during the night.  It stops usually around 2am so I have a rough idea of the time if I wake up without turning on a light.  I did peep at 3am, long enough to register that it was that time, and I fell asleep again until 8:50.  I got up, sorted out a light breakfast (it’s the first time I’ve had an Ensure in several weeks; I was just too lazy to toast some bread!) I did have a filling lunch — curried pork chop, cassava and macaroni and cheese.  I ate most  of it before my stomach put up a “stop” sign.  I’ll go eat in a few minutes; I’m debating between some French toast or a ham-and-cheese sandwich; either one will have an apple and a couple of cookies and perhaps a cup of tea.  I haven’t fully decided yet.  My hydration is still running, and I’ve got maybe another hour or so before it’s done.  My support worker managed to give me a shower while I was still hooked up — took an extra 15 minutes to undress and dress, but the shower felt so nice!!  I’m glad we took the extra time.  Thank you to everyone who sent me very kind and complimentary messages about my current style.  My favourite one came from my brother who said I’m now a Shaolin monk and we’ll pair up to battle wrong-doing together!  My brother’s been rocking a bald head for about 30 years, and has his monk look down pat!

I was having a brief conversation with someone about office buzzwords.  I haven’t thought about those in a long time, and I’d forgotten many of them, but after today, one popped into my head and I thought that it’s really applicable outside of the office!  Have you ever heard of a “Yabbut”?  That’s someone who, regardless of the discussion would say, “Yes, but…”  Just after the buzzword discussion, I had a chat with another friend who is a classic yabbut!  They were telling me about the concerns they had about their dad, who is in his mid-80s and who lives independently in another province.  During a storm last weekend, their dad’s cable went out, and couldn’t be easily repaired; the cable company said it would be maybe 3-4 days before they could sort it out.  They panicked because their dad is alone, and now has nothing to entertain/amuse himself and how cruel/incompetent/unkind the cable company is.  I said (perhaps more unsympathetically than I needed) that at least he had power!  “Yabbut he’s all alone!…”  Skipping to today, the cable’s been repaired and it seems that dad spent the last few days listening to the radio, to his collection of tapes and cleaning out a cupboard and never missed the TV at all.  I confess to doing that myself today, when I asked my sisters to talk me out of buying a dress that I liked.  My elder sister said “YOLO! Treat yourself!”  And I said, “Yabbut I have <a long list of excuses>”  They just ignored me, and all said, “just spend the $15!”  So I did.  I’ll let you know when I get it and how it fits.

Yabbut people can be annoying, I know.  It irritates me when my friend has a problem for every solution, even when they call asking for ideas to solve an issue.  They complain that I don’t take them seriously, which I don’t, since I know they just want to complain.  Now that this has come to my attention, I’ll make an effort to not do that.  I will instead let people know that I’m just venting, or that I want to dump and I’m not looking for a solution, which should reduce some of the instances to do that.  I probably will still do it if I think I’m being misunderstood or ignored, or if I’m worried/panicked about something and can’t articulate what’s bothering me.  So if I’m being a yabbut, know that it means that something is bothering me that I can’t make sense of, and I ask you to help by changing the subject or helping me identify the cause.  You are all awesome, and I know you’ll be able to help tremendously.  If I overdo it, please let me know as well!

OK, I think I’ll go make my ham sandwich.  I really enjoy the ham I accidentally bought, and I’ll treat myself to it a few times (it’s surprisingly expensive)  Speaking of… at Christmas I’d bought a turkey breast roast for $20.  It was really good, lots of meat, tasty, not dry… all good things.  I was doing an online order and it popped up as a “did you want to buy this again?” (You know how that goes?)  Well, the regular price is $15!!  I was less than thrilled, but made a mental note about that!  Be vigilant about grocery prices mes amis!  Good night!


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