Short one

It’s a grey, damp day where the cold seeps into cracks and crevices and finds chinks to slip into so you reach for the blankets and start searching for new cardigans!  (No, I haven’t ordered any, I’ve got several that will last this season then go on to new homes.). I got this photo of daffodils from some friends in New York, where it’s apparently been so mild that they’re popping out.  We’re still snow covered.  Jerry went nuts today when my regular support worker came by; he refused to stop barking when she was doing other things, and finally had to get his buzz collar.  He’s quietly sulking now, because he thinks it’s unfair for him to be punished for being happy to see her after a week!  Don is unaware of my existence as there is a sport on now, and any time I talk to him, I have to pause it, wait for him to look at me, ask my question, get a grunt in reply, and he restarts it as though he were the one on the playing surface!

Last night I took one of my sleeping pills as I’d been having difficulty sleeping for a few nights.  I was out like a blown candle.  I turned off my light at a few minutes to 10pm, and never stirred until just before 8am.  So I count that as a good thing.  I have to be up by 7 tomorrow, for a stupidly early appointment, so I’m heading in to bed in a few minutes.  I don’t dare take a pill tonight, as I would probably sleep through the alarm.  I had a decent sized plate of stew for lunch, after a ham-and-egg omelette on a croissant (which I dug out of the ice in my freezer)  I’ll need to do a grocery order this week; my milk is beginning to turn, so down the drain it goes.  As a PSA, please always check the expiry dates on milk before buying (unless it’s shelf-stable UHT milk, which we don’t get here) and don’t buy if the date is within 5 days of purchase.  It hurts me to pour out almost $6 of milk as the container is still mostly full.  I can feel my energy building back up, and happily, my blood pressure was 96/60 with a pulse of 94 — both trending in the right direction!  BP tipping upwards, and pulse down — it was at 115 a couple of days ago.  

I’m going to go get ready for bed now; Don is almost ready to unhook my hydration so I can walk without pushing the pole ahead of me.  Once I’m free, it’s bedtime!  Hopefully I get a decent sleep but my intention is to crawl back into bed when I get home tomorrow after the nurse has attached my bag and perhaps nap for a couple of hours.  Good night!


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