
The snow has arrived!  It began late this afternoon when suddenly everything was white and it’s just continued since.  It’s one of those things where I’m happy to be inside listening to the wind battering my window and hearing the howling outside while I’m wrapped in a blanket over a sweater!  I can feel a draught on the back of my head, but I can’t find the source.  I’ve found a touque which helps a little, but I can still feel the cold.  The forecast calls for snow and ice overnight and into tomorrow, so it will be messy.  Jerry spent a good part of the day in his “recovery” position on my lap while I did a favour for a friend.  Then he found his toy and has been bringing it for me to throw to him so he was chasing it for a while.  Don has been napping (he says not, but I disagree) and was half watching a reality show for a while.  I am astounded at the videos captured by people showing some unbelievable individuals out in public.  Are people really that distressing and unpleasant?  It shocks me.

I slept like a log last night.  I did wake a couple of times, long enough to shift positions to something more comfortable and then I was out again.  I finally woke up at 9, with a sense of relief that I had no planned visits this morning and I’m done with hydration for a couple of days at least.  I made some French toast this morning with the last slice of panettone that I had — I highly recommend that combination!  The panettone adds a layer of sweet and tasty (mine was chocolate, and I sprinkled in some nutmeg and *chef’s kiss* yummy!)  By the time I was hungry again, it was late afternoon.  I ate, then realized that it was too late for the nap I’d been craving all afternoon.  Early bed, I hear you say?  Possible… at least, I’ll try for before 10pm.  Just to update, one of my friends here recommended a “bake your own” bread — one of those that’s partially cooked, and you pop it in the oven for a bit and serve freshly baked bread — and I was able to get a package of mini-baguettes.  One of those will make 2 sandwiches for me (one for anyone else; they’re 15cm/6” long) and when just out of the oven are butter meltingly delicious!  

I had a lovely long chat with my university student niece, who is in the middle of choosing courses for next semester.  After we’d gone over several choices (it’s so hard sometimes not to give her my opinion as “you should do this”) it seems that her interests are already beginning to broaden in some unexpected ways.  Did I mention how proud I am of her?  I love that she’s willing to explore ideas and ask some surprisingly deep questions.  We have discussed a number of options, and I shared my experiences with certain subjects because she asked how I felt about them.  I told her that there were some subjects that I did because I thought they needed to be done, but in which I wasn’t interested, only to find that I made use of them later in life.  She will finalize her choices tomorrow after meeting with her academic advisor, and I’ve said that she’s  not to worry, whatever she picks up now is just that much more to widen her learning.

I’ve been reading a book that’s part of a series; I reread the first 3 in the last couple of months, and was able to find book 4.  I find the protagonist to be annoying and far too childish for 24, and I’m hoping that he gets his comeuppance in a spectacular fashion!  (Not likely; the author clearly loves him)  I bring this up because they keep eating all sorts of delicious, decadent and often homemade foods!  The mountains of smoked salmon, lobster, shrimp, fresh baked bread, croissants, chocolate cake and lakes of champagne they consume is amazing (and makes me hungry!)  However, the annoying lead feeds his dog chocolate!!!  He should be horsewhipped!  I’m amazed that the dog isn’t sick everywhere… Have you noticed that in books there are all sorts of foods given to dogs that they shouldn’t have?  Chocolate, coffee, fruit salads containing grapes, and so on!  I’m frantic about protecting Jerry from those things that can harm him, but if he were to get into my books I’m sure I’d have to answer lots of questions as to why he can’t eat that!

I’m off now to take my meds and sort out something for dinner.  I’m not sure of what I want to eat just yet, but if I stare into the empty fridge long enough, something will inspire me… or was that the almost-full freezer?  I forget which one is more likely to yield food!  Good night!


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