Friday night lights

🎶 It’s very very cold, I’m very very chilly… I know it will be warm someday but I can’t wait till then because I’ll be old.  It’s terribly cold! 🎶  I tend to revert to Sesame Street songs on days like this, when I recall one that speaks to my feelings.  We’ve been about -16C today, with winds making it feel much colder, and it’s dropping below -20 overnight.  It feels like I’m encased in a block of ice, and my many layers aren’t doing much to help.  Jerry spent the night with me last night for the first time in over a week.  He made himself comfortable in the crook of my knees and seemed to sleep very well.  It seems like he missed me when he was sleeping on the sofa, and he was just being cuddle some.  So he’ll get let in again tonight; he’ll be banished if (a) he decides to use me as a trampoline in the middle of the night and (b) for a few nights after chemo as I’m potentially toxic to him.  Don’s doing well, he’s planning a few errands over the next few days, and I’m debating whether I stay home with Jerry or go with him.  Not sure yet, but we’ll see — I have hospital appointments on Tuesday and Thursday so that may factor into when we do stuff.

I slept reasonably well last night; Don was up watching one of those singing competition shows and it woke me up — the performers were dreadful — and I couldn’t fall back asleep for a while; I made up for it this afternoon, though, with a relaxing nap.  My support worker was here today, and she baked some biscuits for me; we’ll be cooking tomorrow during her visit.  She was also good enough to take the meat out of the freezer to thaw, so I’ll season it in the morning before she arrives. I’m sorry to report that my tastebuds are again going.  Food has begun to have a metallic taste, and even water tastes off.  I still have an appetite, and I’m still eating, but we seem to be slipping back into the dreadful stage where I’m eating because I must and not because I enjoy it.  Dinner tonight is likely to be packaged ramen because it’s hot and easy and I’m cold!!   

I finally ordered my new coat.  I ordered 2 coats in different colours and sizes to try, and they arrived yesterday.  I tried them both, and this is the one that stays.  The other was a deep burgundy which is usually one of my colours, but it’s a duller shade and doesn’t work apart from being so big that I’m swamped by it.  It’s rather a shock to me to see how much I’ve shrunk and to look at myself is not something I particularly enjoy.  The one thing this coat has done is convince me to update some of my wardrobe so I’m not wearing things that are hugely oversized and don’t fit me well.  I’ve ordered a few dresses to change my look a bit and they should be here in the next few days (no, not from Amazon) so there may be other photos of me looking less disheveled!  

I’m off to make my soup now, and then back to my book where a murder is imminent (I hope) and I’m looking forward to reading about it… the victim is a truly horrible person who deserves this comeuppance, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m hoping that the murder is brutal but I think the murderer should get a medal for services to humanity 😝 OK, I’m not violent, but in this instance he’s such a vile person that this seems an appropriate end!  (Frankly, there are maybe 3 decent characters in the book, but the explosions are fun) Good night!


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