
Last night the snow arrived around 9pm, accompanied by howling winds that went on all night.  I woke up once or twice during the night and looked out the window to just see white… normally I can see the next building over, but it was whited out. We had quite a large dump of snow, and Jerry, as you can see, went exploring on a buried balcony!  There was also snow and ice in my window, so I know the wind blew from the east.  It’s calmed down now, with flurries, and it’s warmed up to almost 0, so it will be MESSY with melting and then probably flash freezing as it drops below zero tonight.  Jerry is on my toes, and as always spent as much time as he could on my lap today.  He got into trouble for finding and shredding a plastic bag and part of a newspaper… but he wasn’t in it for too long!  Don’s been dozing off and on for the day, as he didn’t sleep too well last night.  He managed to find sports to watch during the day, and then started watching the US election until I got sick of the talking heads and switched over to something less mindless!  But Saturday night is hockey, so he’s busy now 😆 

My nurse called early this morning to let me know that she couldn’t get out of her house because of the snow and the fact that their area hadn’t yet ploughed the streets; she’d call if and when she was able to get out.  As it happened, she blew in around 1:30, hooked up my IV in record time and disappeared — with weather like this, on street parking is not allowed, and ticketing happens fast but she wanted to be sure that I (and the other 2 medicated clients) were attended to today.  I was thankful for her dedication, although I was prepared to skip today.  My caregiver also cancelled because of the snow, but that’s less of a worry; it’s not my regular support worker, and I can manage for the day.  I had an actual grown up sized meal today!  I had 2 drumsticks, some eggplant and noodles!  Woohoo! 🥳  I’m still full, and the hydration is running, so I won’t starve.  But isn’t that lovely?  I thought it was.

Today marks my 25th anniversary of landing in Canada.  I find it hard to believe that I’ve already been here for a quarter of a century!  I’ve changed a lot, I know, in this time, although I’m not certain how much is due to being Canadian and how much is just maturity (or age!)  I can identify certain areas where I’ve diverged from Trinidadian-style thinking, and others where I have conflicts.  Canada, and Western, thinking isn’t perfect in a lot of ways, but I’ve adapted to certain things, and I’ve also been here and surrounded by this lifestyle so that I sometimes need to ask what’s acceptable in Trinidad now.  Apart from slang, which varies wildly, there are things like attitudes to religion — in many ways, Trinidad is more tolerant of religious differences, and is more inclined to adhere to religious beliefs.  Here, there are still all sorts of hesitancy towards non-Christian beliefs, where they’re regarded suspiciously, and it’s all too easy to blame “the other” for everything.  I prefer, though, the attitude here towards the LGBTQ community, where there is broader acceptance and less judgement.  I don’t understand the North American adulation of their national anthems which are played incessantly especially at sports events, but I’m not thrilled with the Trinidadian insistence on a level of formality of naming, individually, every dignitary at a function with every speaker!  All sorts of little things, none of which are particularly important, but which underscore to me that I’ve changed over time.  For me, I much prefer the socialized medicine and the support networks that exist here, even with their weaknesses.  I have acknowledged that if I’d remained in Trinidad and been diagnosed there I’d long ago have gone to join my ancestors, something I am not in any hurry to do!  I miss my family and friends, even though I have other friends who have become family here; it’s not surprising.  I’ve always missed people more than places or things.  I won’t focus on the negatives today, though; I’m just going to enjoy celebrating 25 years in my chosen country.

I spoke with the small people last night briefly; my niece asked me what I did with my hair and why I had it wrapped up, so I showed her that I’m currently bald.  I explained that Auntie is sick, and needs a special kind of medicine which made my hair fall out.  Her eyes got huge, and she asked if she should shave her hair off too?  I said no, of course not, I liked her hair long (she agreed) and she asked if it hurt when my hair fell out.  I promised that the next time I visit, I will have hair again, and she’s looking forward to that.  I felt dreadful at having to explain these things to her — she’s not 5 yet! But equally, I can’t hide everything all the time.  I hope I didn’t upset her too much.  I also ordered 2 coats (different sizes) which should arrive by midweek, so I can select a new winter coat and return the extra.  Stand by for updates and reports!

It’s getting cooler again in here, so I’m off to play with the thermostat and see if I can get it up to something more comfortable.  I’d like it to be around 27C, but Don will melt, so we’ll have to compromise (and I’ll have to get another sweater); possibly tea is in my imminent future.  That’s it for today… good night!


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