
It’s hovering around -20 today, with sunshine.  Don’t be fooled, though, that sunshine is not just deceptive, it’s an outright liar — on winter days like today, the sunnier it is, the more brutal the cold.  We’ve all got stories from our first winter of thinking that sunny winter days meant mild weather and having to rush to avoid frostbite and windburn.  I’m pretending to be a wrapped roti, with a double blanket, sweater and socks.  Jerry is under my chair hiding and, I think, trying to find warm spots.  He was very playful this morning, tossing his toy in the air, and then out of the door onto the balcony.  I’ll have to ensure that he doesn’t throw it off the edge accidentally.  I’ve had past experience trying to rescue various items that rolled off the balcony, thankfully into empty parking spaces!  Don, I’m happy to report, is in mainly good shape, and was doing his silly things this morning, before getting lost in a couple of true crime shows and some ridiculous “reality” programs.  Should I be concerned at the marathon viewing of back episodes of “Catfish” and “Cheaters Anonymous”?

I’m pleased to let you know that my doctor has graciously agreed to change my appointment to a phone call so I don’t have to get dressed and go out in the polar vortex where I’d be gasping for air, shaking and generally feeling horribly miserable for a 10-minute visit.  I had a delightful late sleep this morning, getting out of bed about 15 minutes before my nurse was due.  I had a decent breakfast and lunch, and I’m starting to feel a little hungry now, so I’ll be off to sort out dinner soon.  I’m craving cake again, but unless I bake one (and I’m low on a couple of ingredients) I won’t get any tonight.  No, I’m not going to order one because I’m really not sure who’s got a decent option.

My little niece will be 5 tomorrow, and I’ve already set the PVR to capture her “birthday shoutout” on CBC at 7:46am.  That’s a brutal time even for proud aunties who watch for the 15-20 seconds where her photo is shown and they read the greeting.  I’ve done this all her life, and I don’t mind. The birthday greetings are all of 4 minutes in the morning where someone in a costume and with a puppet calls out the names and makes a joke.  Yes, I do the same for my little nephew.  My elder niece will be 19 on the weekend… time flies!  It doesn’t seem that long since she was tiny and fit in my brother’s hand!

I was just watching a news article talking about a couple who were defrauded of several hundred thousand dollars in a cryptocurrency scandal.  I am sorry, but I don’t feel a lot of sympathy for them.  They say that it looked like a quick, easy way to get rich and invested over a half million dollars in a website initially.  They certainly are a warning against greed!  They only got suspicious after almost a year and nearly $1 million transferred overall.  They’re now trying to blame the bank for not stopping their stupidity.  I tried to feel pity for them, but they chose to send money because they’d “seen a video where Elon Musk encouraged investment in cryptocurrency.”  (It was a deep fake)  There’s a difference, IMO, between someone who’s been hacked and someone trying to make a quick fortune and handing over money to a random website.  Parents, teach your children well, and help them learn that there’s no such thing as a free lunch and “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

OK, I am going to find something to eat.  I’m definitely beginning to feel hungry, which is not good for developing charitable feelings!  Jerry is also scratching me (not good, as it causes me to bruise too easily) so I can play with him.  Good night.


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