Welcome 2024!

Happy New Year!  May this year be a good one for you and yours.  It’s been overcast for most of the day, and quite chilly, but I’ve been inside and warm, so no grumbling today!  I always try not to complain about anything today, as I don’t want to bring those negative images with me into a shiny new day.  My thought is that if I can go a day without complaining, then I can do 2, then 3… and eventually my complaints will be minor (and mostly weather related 😆)  OK, seriously, I’m not trying to be a plaster saint; but I do try to keep on the sunny side of life!  Jerry was a happy little dog today, as he was on my lap being petted and napping for large stretches of the day.  He also got quite a few treats, and has his Christmas toys to throw, so he’s good.  Don is also doing well; he’s not showing too many after effects of his long drive yesterday, and is glued to more sports 😑 as today is the launch of the women’s professional hockey league, and he’s excited to see that.  Jerry isn’t allowing too much uninterrupted screen time, though, and has been jumping up to block the TV from time to time 😆 

We were miraculously awake at midnight, when we had a couple of sips of bubbly, took the traditional selfie and popped crackers.  It’s not traditional for either of us to eat a meal at midnight, so after the drink, we watched a little bit of the new year being welcomed in around the globe (many happening several hours late), saw a few fireworks around here, and then headed to bed around 2am.  I had to be awake early as my nurse had said she’d arrive by 9… she got here after 11.  I could have caught up on some extra sleep!  Or at least breakfast!!  But I ate, worry thee not.  I had some teriyaki chicken and tempura (note that sushi rice does not do well being reheated!) I’ve got some salmon steaks, potatoes and vegetables for dinner, and some Trinidad black cake to wind up the meal or ice cream, depending on my mood and how much sugar I feel like consuming before bedtime.  I’ve got a half glass of wine left that really shouldn’t be ignored, so that might eliminate the dessert options… I don’t know, these are very difficult decisions for someone to make when it’s too early!  Let’s just agree that I’ll eat, and I intend to maintain that practice!  My nurse was pleased to find that the bruised area is healing nicely, so the bandage stays for a few more days to give it a chance to regenerate fully.

I was asked, as is usual at this time of year, what my resolutions are.  I don’t really have anything specific.  Thankfully I have a home — it’s not perfect, but it is mine — food on the table, clothes to wear (we can discuss this in more detail if needed 😝) and loving friends and family who care for me.  I can’t express my gratitude enough for these things and the people around me.  It would be petty and selfish of me to want lots more, or to complain that my house isn’t big enough or that my wardrobe isn’t the newest, or any of those things. I will continue to do my best to be optimistic, kind and loving to the people around me, whether or not they’re close friends, and I’ll keep practicing “do as you would be done by,” which is not as easy as it seems!

I’ve been trying to find the words to express what I’m thinking when I read “do as you would be done by” — in the extreme simplicity, it means that we treat others how we want to be treated.  If we want to be spoken to with kindness, respect or gentleness, then we should speak that way; obvious, right?  But if we do and the person doesn’t respond kindly, does that mean that we’ve failed and need to react rudely or dismissively?  Or do we remind ourselves that we can’t control others, that the person probably had a bad experience, and continue to be polite, kind and considerate?  It’s no longer a big struggle for me to accept that my behaviour should not be negatively affected by the actions of others.  Just because someone seems to get away with theft, lying or indolence is no reason for me to change to match them.  What if, because people are contrarian, they want others to be rude, lazy and otherwise unpleasant?  Do you then change?  I’m still saying ‘no’ since I don’t want to be treated that way (and the phrase is for ME to act as I’d like to be treated, not them.)  All that to say that this year, I think that being kind is the best choice.  Let’s do that, huh?  

Not all that wise or insightful, and more long winded than it needed to be… I think that when I’m tired, I will just go nap before I write!  😂 I’m going to check on the potatoes, since Don looks far too comfortable for a man who’s supposed to be making my dinner… and I’m getting hungry.  Good night!


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