
Showing posts from July, 2024

July weekend

It’s so warm, and it’s just the beginning of July… it will get warmer over the next couple of weeks and the forecast has some hot days in store, it seems.  Last night we had a massive thunderstorm with a huge downpour which did a great job of washing out some of Bluesfest (I can hear the music from here, although it’s admittedly not very clear.)  Jerry is a tiny fur-covered furnace, who drinks lots of water then comes to pant on my lap before throwing his ball for me.  He was just running around making me feel warm and tired before flopping down on the ground.  Don has been putting together his new fan, recently delivered from Amazon after several delays, and refusing all offers of help.  I thought I’d share this little gem of wisdom that was cluttering my messages last night from my family punster… I had difficulty falling asleep last night; partly because it was warm, mostly because I couldn’t find a comfortable spot.  I’ve lost so much weight that my bones are countable and lying on


Summer is settling in; it’s forecast to be warm and sunny for the next week or so, which is fine by me (rain is also fine; as long as we have no ice rain, life is good.) Jerry is in the mood to play, and has been throwing his ball when he’s not jumping on my lap and he’s keeping Don from napping on the sofa.  It’s a sleepy summer afternoon, and if I were in the countryside, it’s the kind of weather where you’d sit on the porch with a cold drink and rock yourself asleep while watching the birds and insects… I am still working on trying to eat more.  Today’s substitution was cream instead of milk in my tea… I can’t yet use it for things like cereal, but it works with oatmeal (which I’m not really eating because it’s too low calorie.)  My fibre content, for those of you who are concerned, is coming from dates and prunes and the odd supplement.  (I rather like dates; and in a few weeks, I’ll be double fisting plums 😆)  I’m really tempted to sew a couple of fishing sinkers into my hems so


Another lovely sunny day, warm and meeting all the criteria for summer!  Bit of a breeze to reduce the heat, fairly low humidity and deep blue skies!  Another shot from yesterday’s air show, just because 😏 The little dog thought that the heat was a bit much to stay out too long, and has been drinking lots of water between throwing his ball at us and trying to steal cherries from me!  (He’s not getting any.) Don is in fairly good shape today, although he complained about the heat.  It’s one of those days where it’s fine for him to do a few light things, but he’ll be overwhelmed if he tries to do too much. So… I had my follow up appointment with my doctor today.  This is my first since I got out of hospital, so we checked my blood (definitely improved over my last visit!) and my weight (😡 down another 2lbs in under a week!) and my vitals (all within normal range) so mostly good news.  We will be resuming chemotherapy next week, and aiming for me to be able to travel at the end of Augus

Canada Day

It’s Canada’s 157th birthday today!  We have an absolutely beautiful deep blue, cloudless sky with a fresh breeze and low humidity to celebrate.  It’s the kind of weather that you could be out in for hours (as long as you’re wearing a decent hat, sunglasses and an SPF of 15+)  There is a risk of sunburn if you’re out too long, but it’s postcard perfect!  Jerry is happily getting into mischief today, and thankfully our balconies were changed last year so he can’t throw his ball over the edge and into the parking lot!  Don’s watching the signing deals for athletes, and I’m not. I slept well last night, and I managed to eat a few more things in the last couple of days.  Today I spent a little energy to cook some Italian sausages (it is BBQ season after all!  Although mine were done on the stove as BBQs aren’t allowed in a high rise) and had one as my lunch.  There may be cake later; I’ll have to make some room first 😆 I’d heard rumours, but didn’t believe them until today… I bent over to