
We’re under a thunderstorm watch at the moment, and I’m seeing the results of a downpour in Toronto where streets are flooded, the subway is practically swimming and cars are being abandoned due to flooded engines.  Jerry doesn’t like the heat and humidity and has been off his food for a couple of days — he’s eating but not very much.  He doesn’t even run after his ball, just rolls it at me and flops on the ground.  Don is dealing with the heat, and finding it hard to breathe as well.  He’s been glued to news reports on the election in the south, and I’m beyond disgusted by the coverage, so I’m occupying myself with other things, just checking in once a day.

I slept like I was drugged last night — I woke up a couple of times but dropped back off.  It was not a cool night, but I got to a point where I thought the fan was too cold!  Again, it was so hot that I wasn’t keen on eating, but I did, so at least that’s progress.  I’m somewhat annoyed by my care provider; I had no coverage for half of last week, and so far none this week either.  At least I got a call today apologizing that they couldn’t find a person for me, but I’m very unhappy with this situation.  I do need the help, even though I’m fairly independent but it’s getting on my nerves now.  I’m tired of filing complaints, especially since the manager of the company hasn’t returned any of my calls or messages, so I get the distinct impression that she doesn’t have her clients’ needs as a priority.  I hope it gets sorted out soon.

I’ve been naughty, I have.  I posted what I thought was a fairly innocuous comment about an author’s work and said that I really disliked the misogynistic impression that this collection of characters presented.  (Boys are described as being brave, honourable, upright, honest and fearless; and girls as pests who need to be “kept under control” by their brothers.). I’ve been told to “just grow up,” that “it’s fiction, and “why are you trying to apply modern values to books written 60 years ago”?  I (and a few others) have pointed out that there are books older than that in which the sexism isn’t present, but that just resulted in us being called “the woke police” and one woman bragged that she wished we still lived in the 1950s because (to her) men should be the head of the household and her husband “let her work as long as it didn’t interfere with her family duties”. 🙄. Apparently one of the latest insults is to call people “woke” — personally I prefer that as it implies having ones eyes open to the world around instead of stumbling in the darkness.

Why are people so touchy?  Apparently the present world is one in which any criticism is seen as a form of enmity because “real fans” have nothing negative to say.  Where did that insanity arise?  What happened to discussion and debate?  There’s no pretence of it in far too many areas, not least politics, but in literature?  When you’re analyzing a character and pointing out some things that they do that aren’t positive you’re labelled as an enemy and attacked.  I mourn the passing of honest, respectful discourse and discussion.

Now that I’m done griping about that, I’m trying to feel a little more enthusiasm for daily routine.  Right now I’m suffering a bit of cabin fever — I go to hospital appointments and then back home, with a coffee maybe once a month.  Boring!  I’m going to try to correct that.  Good night!


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