Warm day
Puppy tax! This was how I spent the first hour or so today… I barely sat down before my lap was filled by a little, extremely comfortable, black dog who stretched out on his back and insisted on having a tummy massage! He’s spent a little while chasing his ball, barking at my support worker and is now having a nap on his pillow. Don is “watching” baseball, but I’m hearing snores, so I’m not sure how much he’s taking in — which is surprising, since his team is finally ahead (not sure that will last, though)
Back to erratic sleep… I didn’t drop off until after 2am, and was awake practically every hour after that until 6, when I slept until 10:45. It’s annoying, since the rest of the day I feel sluggish and droopy. I’ve also realized that I am probably hungrier than I thought, but food doesn’t tempt me, which is a shame. I may be paranoid, but I am now convinced that the agency is deliberately sending me male support workers. How, after 4 years where I had a woman every day, and a man maybe once every 2 months, am I suddenly receiving different men 6 days a week? I don’t believe in coincidences like that, and I’m highly suspicious of their actions. The manager has offered to do a home visit to “supervise my bathing” but I said that my baths are not a spectator event and I’m not having 2 people watching me sit shivering under a shower. I think that’s really inappropriate; she’s said that it’s “to ensure that the workers are providing adequate support.” I’ll be very happy if I can get rid of her or the agency, but… 🤬 I’ll just engage my inner public servant, document everything and keep meticulous records of my requests, her responses and what happens. It’s making me extremely stressed, and I think it’s affecting both my sleep and my appetite, which has negative implications for my energy. Part of me is trying to say that I should just learn to adjust, but it’s really difficult for me.
Because I am in this zone, my ability to laugh at the stupidity of people is somewhat diminished, so when someone sent me a message that “a doctor who prescribes medicine without addressing your diet and lifestyle is a pusher,” I had to forcibly stop myself from flaming back at them. I have to ask why some people seem to think that the medical profession exists to keep people sick? I keep hearing that (usually from people who then try to persuade me to try their “amazing” homeopath/herbalist/clairvoyant who diagnosed that they needed a “liver detox” [doesn’t exist] and they feel SO much better!) I’m trying to be patient and not unleash a tsunami of sarcasm on them, but in this current state, it’s not easy.
I may just call on a couple of my friends to reply to some of those messages; they are less tactful than I am and quite protective of me… Jo, you’re up! Good night!
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