
Another comfortable, not too hot day, where the sky got progressively more grey as the afternoon lengthened.  It’s sprinkling now, and likely to rain all night.  As I selfishly have no plans to be outdoors tonight, that’s just fine by me.  Sorry for all the evening wanderers!  Jerry was, as always, parked on my lap for as much of the day as he could manage.  He manoeuvred himself into a position that any time I tried to text on my phone, he’d move his head or foot so I couldn’t, and would try to knock the phone from my hand.  I know.  It’s my own fault, and I own that.  The birthday boy in the house spent the day happily watching sports (thankfully he took a break from news!) and a couple of cheesy reality shows that he seems to enjoy.  I found the old British series Yes, Minister and we watched a couple of episodes… still sadly very accurate, never mind being over 40 years old!

Again, I had some difficulty getting to sleep… it was well after 3am before I finally dozed off, and I was awake again by 5:45.  I pulled the covers back over my eyes and went back to sleep until around 10:30… I’ve really got to find a way to improve that!  I had a “support worker” today who, when asked to please fold some laundry, picked up a towel, rolled it into a ball, managed to turn a fitted sheet into a convoluted mess, and left everything else where it was… I asked her to transfer some Ensure to the fridge and I had to sit; after she left I opened the fridge to find no Ensure… and I asked her to help me by taking out a pot from the bottom shelf and fill it with water… I showed her how high it should be on the side of the pot, and had to say “add more” about 4 times.  At that point I gave up… my voice and energy were waning and I just couldn’t deal any longer.  I really wish I had my energy back!  (Then she says, “Your hair is getting long!  You have too much hair on your head now.  When are you shaving?” — would I be out of line asking for her to be removed from my rotation?)  Happily, my regular worker’s biopsy was negative for cancer, and she says she should be back at work this week.  Happy dances!

It’s a big day for birthdays today.  Apart from Don (his strawberry cream shortcake is in the fridge) it’s my youngest godson’s birthday.  He’s 30.  Where on earth did those years go?  I’m practically breaking into “Sunrise, Sunset” at this point, I know.  We’ll discuss sentimental auntie later… then it’s also the birthday of a friend and former colleague who was very influential on my development and ability to be an effective and empathetic manager.  Fourth, it’s the birthday of a friend from way back in my high school days; we’d lost touch for many years, reconnected via Facebook and physically reunited on my last few trips to England some years ago.  I am hoping that my energy will be restored enough so I can visit his family again in their “new” home, especially for his upcoming milestone birthday!

I’m thankful to be able to celebrate with all of them, even virtually.  It’s so special to have this connection.  I just love it.  I will confess that I miss the kids most, as I haven’t seen them in years — curse the pandemic and its isolating effects — and my mood gets an immediate boost when I’m around any of them.  (That includes my nieces, nephews and the godchildren so it’s a large group!)  I got to talk with most of them today, so that’s all good.

I’m feeling a bit stuffed… I had some corn on the cob, and I feel like I’ve overeaten a bit.  It will pass; I won’t have cake tonight but definitely tomorrow!  I told Don that I don’t have the strength to spank him so he can grow — 84 spanks is lots 😂— so he’ll have to be a good boy without that!  Good night!


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