
It’s muggy and hot and there’s an impending storm, and apparently the remnants of what was Hurricane Beryl are drifting this way.  It will probably help break some of the heat before the stuff that’s currently out west moves in this way.  Thoughts and prayers for the Americans under the ‘heat dome’ where temperatures are above 53C!  Hope the heat breaks soon.  Jerry is sulking at me and is right now by my feet giving me a stink eye… He wouldn’t stop barking when I told him, and refused to go to Don, so he got a ‘puppy time out’ and is punishing us for that… it happens every so often where he decides to be extra defiant mostly because (and I wish I could fix that!) he wants me to take him for a long ramble, and won’t accept anyone else doing it.  But I can’t, so there’s sulks and suffering (me) for a bit.  Don is preparing to watch the football match of Canada vs Argentina because he seems to have a commitment to supporting Canada in any international tournament regardless of the sport.

I got a call this morning from a friend before 9am and answered it while still mostly asleep… then went back to sleep for about an hour, before I called her back to learn that she was on her way to pick me up in 20 minutes!  The stress, I tell you!  🥹. But she did cook lunch which was great and filling and sent me home with some homemade sweets… I’m almost peckish now, and will be raiding my fridge for supper shortly.  Another friend gave me an idea for something to try, which I may do tonight or tomorrow.  As for tomorrow, I know that I have an early start on Thursday, so I expect a very broken night as I’m always nervous of missing my alarm.  Expect that I’ll probably be fast asleep early Thursday evening, so fair warning.

Today’s picture comes courtesy of my oncologist who sent it to me.  Wonder Woman has always been a favourite of mine as she was really the only superhero available when I was a child.  The comics had Superwoman and Batwoman, but female characters were more often villains (Catwoman, Poison Ivy, etc) or femmes fatale who were bent on destroying the hero (who always managed to overcome her evil feminine wiles at the last minute). Until later in life, I didn’t appreciate the conditioning that was underway there, where women were essentially seen as evil to be overcome by the staunch morals displayed by the hero.  All of my beloved science fiction books had male protagonists, and women were always shadowy background characters; I concede that vanishingly few of them were damsels in distress or motivated by evil, but even when they were ostensibly central to the action, they needed to be protected.  One of the strongest characters I remember was Dr. Susan Calvin from Asimov’s Robot series.  She was in charge of a major department of a robotics company and had to be consulted on complex cases, never once was she a fainting, weeping, screaming victim.  Then Diana Prince, who left her home as royalty to go out into the world and then use her considerable powers to help others… Who were the women superheroes or characters that inspired you?

Auntie is happily hunting for children’s French resources, as the little ones will be preparing to go into French immersion next year.  It’s fun finding cartoons and videos that are simple but not simplistic so they can get accustomed to hearing French and I’ve already been advised that helping them learn some vocabulary is part of my role.  The alternative is politics (which will just cause me stress) or anything in the news, which persists in wallowing in everything negative, so I’ll pass on that.  I’m off to see what’s in the fridge… I know that there’s cake and ice cream, so that will be dessert… Good night!


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