Mid month

For some reason, I can’t get photos to work, so no cute image for you today.  It’s been another hot and muggy day, and it’s a bit challenging to breathe easily, but I’m not gasping, which is fortunate.  Jerry was in cuddle mode most of the morning, and while I was watching the Mass, he sprawled himself across my lap, stretched out his legs and poked me in the face to get back to petting him!  Silly boy.  He got evicted while I was watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds because he was standing on my leg and blocking my view!  He is not happy being evicted, I’ll just say… Don is struggling with the humidity which is really challenging, especially for him.  He’s got several games (all of which his team lost) on the PVR; he recorded them but watched them live anyway.  Luckily none of my shows are affected, or there’d be problems!

I’ve slept for almost 30 hours in the last 2 days.  My blast of energy the day after chemo was unusual, I know, and that night I had some difficulty falling asleep and then an appointment at 10am on Saturday.  After that, I had something to eat, then went to bed where I slept like a log until 4 (when my support worker had said she’d be arriving), but never showed up until over an hour later; I think I’ll ask to have her removed from my schedule as she’s never been on time and “no” seems to be her favourite word when I ask her to do anything.  I try hard not to be a difficult patient, but I also have this little thing where I kind of expect to get the service that I’m supposed to receive.  I wish that I had more strength to be able to do more, I do!  It’s a recurrent theme that I’m really not keen on asking for help, but I am also sensible enough not to stress myself too much.

I’m being a little naughty… my elder niece, who is on holiday from university, has been doing more driving lately, and my sister continues to get into a flap about it.  She’s got used to doing some things, and has her route all worked out, but my sister keeps panicking until she’s home.  I can understand the worry about her being out, but she’s also at that age where she will push boundaries a little.  

My goddaughter, who is a makeup artist, messaged me to tell me that she will be doing makeup at NY Fashion Week in September.  I’m so incredibly proud of her, and super excited that she has this opportunity!  She’ll be flying in for the period, and has a very packed schedule (obviously)  It’s awesome, and we’ve been “squeeing” like overexcited fangirls about this.  The boys are also doing well, and are setting up to run a couple of summer camps for gymnastics for kids and teens (different groups).  Plus my other godson is in NY (something is going on there!) doing a degree in graphic arts; I’ve been getting the occasional message summarizing his activities; he seems to be having fun and learning tons.  I miss them dreadfully, but I’m very proud of them… and I’m glad they take the time to let me know what’s happening.

I’ve got to eat something; I don’t particularly want to, but I will also not let myself starve.  Even if it’s a small meal that I divide into 2, but I’m going to eat.  I asked my helper today to make me some rice and chicken, so I’ll have that now.  Good night!


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