July weekend

It’s so warm, and it’s just the beginning of July… it will get warmer over the next couple of weeks and the forecast has some hot days in store, it seems.  Last night we had a massive thunderstorm with a huge downpour which did a great job of washing out some of Bluesfest (I can hear the music from here, although it’s admittedly not very clear.)  Jerry is a tiny fur-covered furnace, who drinks lots of water then comes to pant on my lap before throwing his ball for me.  He was just running around making me feel warm and tired before flopping down on the ground.  Don has been putting together his new fan, recently delivered from Amazon after several delays, and refusing all offers of help.  I thought I’d share this little gem of wisdom that was cluttering my messages last night from my family punster…

I had difficulty falling asleep last night; partly because it was warm, mostly because I couldn’t find a comfortable spot.  I’ve lost so much weight that my bones are countable and lying on the mattress my coccyx feels like I’m on rocks.  I can’t find a spot where there’s no pressure either on my spine or my hernia, more difficult since they’re fairly close together and pressure on either causes pain (which I don’t have otherwise)  My support worker (she’s back!!  YAY!) and I did some cooking today — mostly her, as I couldn’t stand for too long.  We did enough for several meals, which is great as I have chemo next week, and the need for a filled freezer is higher.  In extracting ingredients we found a few items that I thought had finished, so I have a few extras and it’s just fantastic.  I have a minor complaint about my chemo appointment next week; it’s at 8:00AM.  As in, in the morning.  Before noon.  At a time when I’m normally hitting ‘snooze’ and covering my eyes against the sunshine that hits through my window… That’s just me whining.  Pay no attention and just go about your regularly scheduled activities 😁

So I have always been a fan of science fiction.  That’s not news.  There’s an author who wrote several post-apocalyptic/catastrophic/disaster/alien invasion stories and I’d read a couple of his books a long time ago; I discovered that my library has all of his works in ebook format.  That was an exciting discovery and I put several of them on hold; as with all things, they were supposed to be available about a week apart, but they all came up at the same time, so I have the next 3 weeks of indulging in his work.  I started with one I hadn’t read before, and it didn’t disappoint, even though we never actually “saw” the aliens who invaded— the entire story is told from the point of view of some journalists who are trying to understand what’s happening while the world collapses.  I have to share a funny moment while I was reading yesterday.  In the story, there are a number of natural disasters that are precipitated by the invaders and just as I was reading about the eruption of volcanoes and attendant earthquakes, I looked up at the TV where they were covering the eruption of Mt. Etna… I put the book down for a moment to remind myself that “it’s only a story, it’s not real” (I used to tell Auntie Ming that when she got too involved in her TV stories and she’d always retort that “these sorts of things do happen in real life!” 😂)  I just thought that the coincidence was funny…

I heavily indulged in a strawberry cream cake today, so I’m getting in those calories!  I had some salt fish and avocado this morning (buljohl and zaboca for the Trini contingent) and I will probably have some of the food my worker prepared tonight.  At the moment, I don’t feel like eating, but I know that I need to have something.

A belated Happy Fourth to my American friends.  We watched the Macy fireworks show today (pre-recorded), which was lovely even though we didn’t know/recognize any of the performers!  I’m clearly elderly and out of touch… It’s such fun watching the fireworks and even more when they’re set to music.  That’s about all for tonight; enjoy your summer weekend.  BTW, I will probably be sharing some links for supporting the islands that were affected by Hurricane Beryl — the devastation is disheartening.  If you can, I encourage you to donate generously to help.  Good night!


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