
Truth… in a cute little image.  Today was hotter than it has been, and the weekend is forecast to warm up some more.  I’ve reached a stage in life when I am not crazy about either traditional Christmas weather or the dog days of summer.  I’m getting old, cranky and crotchety… sad, isn’t it?  My dislike is stronger since I’m not as able to be as independent as I’d like.  Jerry has managed to find ways to insert himself so that I’m twisted and he’s sitting in a strange position, but totally comfortable!  How does he do it?  Don is feeling a bit more lively which is encouraging, although I’m tuned out totally on the subject of politics and elections, which are sadly going to be a constant noise for the next 3.5 months.

I’m happy to report that I got a different support worker today, who is one of the ones I requested as an alternate.  She says that she will be with me every Friday now, which is good, as she’s one who does look after me.  My regular worker said that she’s scheduled to work next week, but I’m not listed as her client.  The manager refuses to put me on her schedule though… according to her, my worker is “unreliable and untrustworthy” and I’m less and less happy dealing with her.  I didn’t ask the worker today to cook for me, but she says that she will next week if I’d like.

My darling friends and I have been trying to meet up this week, unsuccessfully.  The first cancelled because she was sick and didn’t want to risk infecting me (excellent!) and the other had a medical appointment moved up, so that meant we had to cancel and the third had extra appointments so… I’m happy that we’re trying to connect, thankful that they’re considerate of my health and that they’re looking after their own.  I realize that I’m fortunate to have these and others in my life, and I appreciate them so much!  I’m also lucky to have the family I do, who are so wonderful and caring and supportive.  

I’m happily losing myself in a couple of actual paper books, one of which I’ve read before and a couple of e-books, so I’m juggling about 5 different books right now.  Makes it a little bit challenging sometimes switching among them, since the content is very different, but I’m still enjoying them.  One’s from the library, so I have a bit of time pressure with that one, while the others are mine, so I can go more slowly on those.  One is the 8th (I think; I lost count) in a series that started out as a trilogy and then expanded.  I really enjoyed the first few books (some more than others) and continued reading until the series “jumped the shark” which it did 2 books ago with a very confusing murder mystery.  I’m unlikely to finish this book, which is rare for me, as “DNF” just makes my skin itch when I’m looking at what I’ve read! (Did not finish)

That’s all for now.  We’re watching Criminal Minds: Evolution which maintains its eerie aura and gripping storylines, although the story arcs are expanding to fill a whole season instead of 2-3 episodes, so I get a little bored with the sluggish progress… For the moment, though, it’s pretty good.  I’m reminded of why not to go out, stay in, hike, go to the city, country, rustic hotel, allow workmen into the house, or wear matching underwear… Good night!


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