
The rain has come, and with it cooler temperatures.  It’s dropped a good 15 or so degrees from yesterday and it’s about 22/23 this afternoon which is much more comfortable than high 30s with muggy humidity!  Puppy tax!  For your enjoyment, a snuggly little schnoodle being all spoilt.  He’s parked himself on my lap, stretched himself out and the little poky paw is temporarily retracted while his tummy is being massaged.  That’s a spoilt puppy who is in a happy place just making himself at home on my lap because he can!  He of course objected to being thrown off so I could eat and type, and he’s been on high alert all day; why I don’t know.  Don has been alternating between dozing and streaming stuff; as part of my Prime day purchases I added 3 subscriptions at $1/month for 2 months, so he’s exploring the options available on the channels.  We’ll see!

It took me until about 1:30 to fall asleep last night (or this morning) then I woke up at 3:30 until nearly 5:30 and then fell asleep until nearly noon.  I’m getting my sleep time, but it’s erratic and often interrupted and I’d really prefer to have some continuous sleep without the wakeful periods in between.  Annoyingly I have no appetite today.  I reheated some noodles and chicken, but was only able to eat about 3 mouthfuls before my stomach threw up a “stop it!” sign.  I’m pleased to report that I finally got a support worker this evening, and I didn’t even mind that it was a man.  Desperation gets between things like “uncomfortable feelings”  Unfortunately my regular worker is in hospital getting a procedure to determine whether the thing they found in her brain is something of concern or not.  I hope that she’s ok and it is nothing to worry about.

So Facebook blocked my blog for “misleading and misdirecting users by posting false links.”  I’m stunned, since I’ve been cross-posting for at least 4 years, and I have no ads or links or promotions on this blog.  My confusion is deep, but I may be blocked from posting these altogether on that platform.  We’ll see.

I had a lovely chat yesterday with the small people; my niece wanted to talk to me so I could read her French book to her.  It’s a little challenging as she can’t coordinate the phone and the page so I can see, so her mom came to hold the phone so I could read.  I think it might be easier if I bought a copy for myself and just turn the pages along with her.  My nephew was also trying to learn the French words, and trying to answer the questions.  (The book is on emotions, and each page names an emotion, then asks the child when they felt that)  I was translating their answers into French, which my niece repeated, but my nephew just giggled and hid his face ☺️

Don’s birthday is this weekend, and I’m trying to think of what I can do to celebrate him.  He’s not very talkative and if I ask things like “what would you like?” I get no useful answer… it’s usually “nothing; I buy what I want when I want it.”  So every year I have to rack my brains for things that he might enjoy… for the last few years he’d wanted a DQ ice cream cake; this year he says that they’re not as good as they were (which is a recurrent theme on all foods) so no.  Wish me luck as I try to work out something (he reads these, so he might give me an idea… I’m not holding my breath, though)  Good night!


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