New week

I’m over summer.  Or at least, the hot, muggy, can’t get a deep breath, it’s so unpleasant part of it.  It was over 40C today!  That’s just not a temperature for civilization to experience, especially if you’re not living in a desert or a jungle.  I remember days of being in the forest at home on a very hot day; it was cooler under the trees but still muggy and sticky.  Not a fan, I confess.  Jerry was most distressed today and was howling at me, scratching me, trying to bite me all because Don was out for a while… He’s now on my feet and surveilling Don to ensure he doesn’t sneak off again!  Don is suffering from the heat, and complained that it was brutal today, even with the air conditioning in the car.  I feel for him; it really is hot today, and I should probably quit whining, but not quite yet!

I slept quite well again last night, and apart from lying awake for about an hour in the middle of the night, I got a good rest.  My appetite isn’t great today, which is not surprising given the heat… It’s too hot to want to have a heavy meal, and I rather think I’d prefer to have frozen juice or something like that; I know that hot tea is more effective for cooling down, but the heat of boiling water doesn’t appeal!  I do have frozen fruit, which helps a bit, and ice cream, which surprisingly does not!  I put my water bottle in the freezer to cool it down, and then I drink the icy water which feels so good!

Don had to get his driver’s license renewed today; for drivers older than 80, there’s a couple of additional tests that have to be done and licences are issued for 2 years at a time… He went to do the tests, and came home in a better mood than I expected; I imagine because they didn’t have him sitting in the heat nor did they ask him to do a lot of things.  He said that it was hot and uncomfortable, but inside the building it was cooler, and the invigilator was a pleasant guy who kept up a stream of easy patter, making him laugh.  It took altogether about an hour, and he’s all set for the next couple of years.  

Ten years ago, I woke up today after my big operation.  I’d been in a medically induced coma, and when I woke up the first people I saw were Don and my sister, who were sitting on either side of my bed; I had a ventilator tube down my throat and couldn’t speak, and they looked so relieved when I opened my eyes!  My surgeon later mentioned that she’d been afraid I wouldn’t wake up, and I just laughed.  It took another few weeks before I could stand and walk easily, even longer for the gash in my abdomen to heal (it’s still there… looking quite scary) and even more for my appetite to return… it seems that my appetite is the first thing to pack up and one of the last to return!  

There’s a thunderstorm brewing; for the first time in a long, long time, I have the stabbing pain above my eye that I used to get before a storm!  I don’t want that to return, thank you very much!  It’s been a dozen years since I had one of those, and I can go much longer!  I discovered that eating fried chicken and chips is not something my tummy appreciates… I was craving some chicken and ordered some with fries and coleslaw; I had one piece and a few fries then spent several hours trying not to throw up!  I’m going to blame the fries more than the chicken, but it could be either or both… Good night!


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