
Another lovely day where it was cool and comfortable with a lot of sunshine, and a few clouds with some strong, cool breezes.  People are already complaining that “summer isn’t here yet” and to them I say “quit whining.  You’ll be griping soon enough about week-long heatwaves and not being able to go out because of poor air quality.  Enjoy the moment!”  Some humans, I tell you!  Jerry just got up off my lap after a 2-hour nap (I was watching some Star Trek Strange New Worlds so I was sitting in my chair) and complained that there were no snacks!  I wasn’t snacking on anything — although I probably should spend every awake moment eating something small.  Like pastry… Don was fast asleep during my TV watching, which was good, since he likes to interrupt my shows with irrelevant questions just to break my concentration.  He says it’s as a result of me talking during sports broadcasts (in fairness, those go on all day long, and he’s not missing a thing when I ask something like, “what do you want to eat?”)

I had one of my off nights again last night, where I took a long while to fall asleep and then was not awake after 6am.  I try to maintain a schedule for waking up and going to bed, so I can try to sleep at regular hours, which doesn’t always work.  I didn’t sleep this afternoon — I intended to, but then got a couple of phone calls that kept me up and then I ate something.  I’m finishing up birthday pastry today, and in search of extra cake… I will be marking the 10th anniversary of my big surgery in a couple of weeks, so cake is definitely a thing.  It’s an annual debate of do I mark the date of the surgery, or the date (a week later) when I woke up?  Or, as I’ve tended to do, make the entire week an extension of my birthday on the grounds that birthdays are to be celebrated for an average period of a month.  I have been accused of celebrating too much, which makes no sense to me; I pointed out that the more you celebrate, the more you find to celebrate and life becomes more fun.

I’m having a little struggle with myself again.  It happens from time to time, and I’ve never been able to resolve it, and it gets worse when I’m dealing with increased health challenges.  Do I buy stuff to spoil myself (or ask for it as presents) or not?  I fear that if I buy the items, and I don’t use them for whatever reason, it’s a waste, but if I enjoy it, does that mean it’s acceptable and I should just give in?  Or should I push through and use my energy to cook, even though I won’t want to eat after as I’m usually too tired?  Note that questions like “should I do laundry” don’t appear here; my support worker will take care of that, and if not this week, it can wait!  But should I buy the book that I want (it’s a graphic version of a dense novel that I love) or just leave it?  My “to read” pile is tottering both physically and electronically and at the moment, I have enough to read for the next 200 years, easily, and that does not count any new books that get added!  What do you think?  Should I splurge, or be thrifty?

OK, I’m off to raid the fridge for some strawberries; I definitely need some cake to go with that, or some ice cream… Good night!


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